I feel like I say this every time, but WOW time sure has flown by! I can't believe summertime is here already! I just enjoyed my first full vacation week of the year from my real job (I say that as I refer to my crafting job as my dreamer job)! I'm so happy the first school year is over though for my kindergartner who is soon to be a first grader! I do have to say though summertime has been a little emotional for her, she's not really sure what to do with herself since everything has been a routine for the last 10 months of her life! I tell her live a little, be a kid, go play, don't worry about what day of the week it is honey, when you're 24 graduated from college, you're going to have to worry about Monday through Friday, but right now, just worry about being a kid for pete's sake!
Summer for us right now means plenty of pool-time, ice cream, walks to the park, bike rides, library time and lots of extra family time! I'm loving it!
Unfortunately it doesn't leave much time for anything else, especially my dreamer job, crafting... but there's always September right? One of these days I'll get back on the focused truck and get some memory creating done, but right now I'm going to enjoy my ice cream and I would like you to enjoy some too!