Other exciting news... I'm going to be submitting another entry for the Bo Bunny auditions, due in a couple of weeks. Last year I didn't know about it until it was too late and submitted a rush entry, but not this year, I'm working away on it and I'll post my entry here the end of this week! Very exciting, it would be so cool to be able to create for Bo Bunny!
And on another note, Scrapfest sign up is around the corner, my sister and I will be traveling to Minnesota again for our annual trip!! Can't wait to have some me time!!
I will also be posting my room re-do pics. This project started awhile back, but I've finally got my scrap space in order and I will be painting and doing some final touches this weekend. I love the color, it's like a light Tiffany Blue~ very calming (which I need during the day) yet very inspirational!!
I do love how I have everything organized now where I can find things and am able to pull out what I need at anytime!! I've also really gotten into Jewelry making lately, so I hope to post some of the new creations I've come up with using the Vintaj line, check it out here: http://vintaj.com! LOVE IT!!!
Stay tuned for more scrapping/jewelry making news!! The creative juices are flowing!!!
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