One thing I am grateful for is my family, my husband and 2 adorable little girls who love me unconditionally. I have such supportive friends although I wonder sometimes why they stick with me! ;0) I am looking forward to new year with exciting opportunities, regardless of where I'm at in a month. Either way I'll be doing something different in my career and am looking forward to the change.
My little craftiness has kicked off strong the last half of the year with a new etsy shop that I'm hoping to continue. Crafting gets me through some of the rough patches, especially these last couple of months. It's been nice to focus on something that I know will be there no matter what!
My kiddos are growing like weeds and I can't believe another year has flown by, I know I say that every year but it's true. Time goes faster and faster when you get older~ I do believe! This year I will take time to smell the roses, I've come to realize I need to do that more often. I will take time to watch my kids every movement for a day. It's amazing watching them and wondering what they're thinking. They are such smart cookies~ smarter than their mama most days! At least they outsmart me I should say!
Anyway, kind of a rambling post but felt like I needed to say it and hoping the new year is one where you take time to smell the roses too!
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