Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas is OVER!!!

What? How can that be? All of the hype to get ready and it's already over? Christmas is usually my favorite time of year~ but this year I was sick with the flu, BLECH!! It just wasn't the same! I tried to make sure that everything was perfect as usual but it seems as if it was less than perfect~ no cookies for santa no food for the reindeer. My girls didn't seem to notice but it just felt like something was missing. Oh well, there's always next year!

I have to say Santa did a mighty fine job and all of the gifts from friends and family were so awesome and appreciated!

One gift that I received was a bracelet from Brighton and it says "happiness". I LOVE IT! All you need is love & happiness to keep you going~ so I'm going to make my New Year's resolution to be happy and laugh more this year. I have so many things to be grateful for and I am taking the time to step back and take it all in.

Happy New Year!

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